
1.What is basic difference between plant and animal growth?
2.What is a tissue?
3.What is an organ?
4.Name four dead plant tissue.
5.Give three features of cardiac muscles.
6.Write two functions of areolar tissue.
7.What is aerenchyma?
8.List three functions of epidermis.
9.Name the chemical present in cork cell.Write its function.
10.Why is phloem known as complex permanent tissue?
11.Where is blood formed in our body?
12.What type of intercellular matrix found in bone tissue?
13.Which connective tissue connects two bones?
14.Name the fat storing tissue.
15.Where do you find simple squamous tissue?
16.Write three identifying features of collenchyma tissue.
17.Draw a well labelled diagram of a neuron.
18.Name the tissue responsible for increasing the length of the plant.
19.Of which tissue is husk of coconut made up of?
20.Diagrammatically show the location of different meristematic tissue in plants.
21.List any four salient features of meristematic tissue.
22.Draw diagrams to show difference between the structures of three types of muscle fibres.
23.List any six characteristics of the parenchyma tissue.
24.What is startified squamous epithelium?State its function.
25.Name the type of tissue whose cells are filled with fat globules.State its function.
26.Name four elements of phloem.
27.What is a nerve?
28.Name two involuntary muscles.
29.Which connective tissue is present in ears.
30.In which connective tissue matrix contains salts of calcium and phosphorus.
31.Give two differences between a tendon and 
32.What do you understand by complex  tissue? Name the two types of permanent tissue present in plants. Give one function of each complex tissue.
33.Give two points of difference between striated and cardiac muscle with respect to structure and function. 
34.Give one function each of the following :a)meristematic tissue b)areolar tissue c)cork
35.Draw labelled diagram of striated muscles.
36.Mention any two characteristics of the cells that forms the striated tissues. 
37.Distinguish between chloroplast and leucoplast with respect to their pigment and function.
38.In a temporary mount of a leaf epidermis we observe small pores.
a)What are the pores present in leaf epidermis called?
b)How are these pores beneficial to plants?
39.Mention two functions of stomata.
40.Draw a well labelled diagram of a phloem tissue.
41..a)Draw a labelled diagram of a neuron.
       b)Identity the tissue which is made up of these cells.
       c)Name an organ which is made of this tissue.
42.List two characteristics of cork cells which help them to function as protective tissue.
43.Make a table to show thedifference between striated,unstriated and cardiac muscles on the basis of their structure and location in the body.
44.State two important functions of areolar tissue.
45.Why are skeletal muscles known as striated muscles?
46.Name the fat storing tissue in our body.Describe its structure and function with wheat the help of a diagram.
47.Give the other name of dividing tissue in plants.In which parts of plants,apical meristem is present. Also mention its function.
48.What is areolar tissue and where is it found. Write its two functions.
49.Differentiate between aerenchyma and chlorenchyma.
50.Why does the growth of a plant occur in specific regions?
51.Where are the following found: a)intercalary meristem b)lateral meristem
52.Draw a neuron unit of nervous tissue and label axon,nucleus, dendrite, nerve endings.
53.What is connective tissue? State its any two basic components. Differentiate between ligament and tendon.
54.Name the following structures of a neuron
a)single long part which arises from cell body
b)part of a neuron which bears many short branched parts
55.Which element of xylem
a)help in transport of water and mineral
b)provide mechanical support
c)store food.


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