Plasma membrane

1.What is plasma membrane?
2.List three functions of plasma membrane.
3.How does movement of carbon dioxide take place in a cell?
4.What is diffusion?
5.What is the role of diffusion in a cell?
6.What is osmosis?
7.What is hypotonic solution?
8.What is endosmosis?
9.What is hypertonic solution?
10.What is exosmosis?
11.What is isotonic solution?
12.In which chemical does calcium carbonate dissolve?
13.Write two uses of osmosis observed in nature.
14.What is plasma membrane made up of?
15.What is endocytosis?
16.Why is the plasma membrane called a selectively permeable membrane?
17..Classify the following as osmosis or diffusion:
a)aquatic animals using oxygen dissolved in water during respiration
b)swelling up of raisins on keeping in water
c)spreading of virus on sneezing.
17.What happens to dry raisins when we put them in plain water for sometimes? State the reason for whatever is observed.What would happen if these raisins are now placed in concentrated salt solution?
18.What is osmosis? What are its types?What happens to a cell when it is placed in hypotonic,isotonic and hypertonic solutions respectively?
19.State two points of differences between osmosis and diffusion.
20.Describe an activity to demonstrate endosmosis and exosmosis. Draw a diagram also.
21.Give the chemical composition and functions of plasma membrane and cell wall.
22.What would you observe after five minutes when you drop a deshelled raw egg in pure water.
Give reasons.
23.What is endocytosis?Give an example.
24.How would a plant cell and an animal cell behave when placed in a hypotonic solution of sodium chloride. Give reasons.


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