1.Name two fresh initiative taken to increase the water availability for agriculture.
2.What is mixed cropping? Give one example. How does it help the farmers?
3.Explain the meanings of the following desirable factors for. which crop variety improvement is done: a)biotic and abiotic resistance b)wider adaptability c)desirable agronomic traits
4.Name any two weeds of crop field.
5.Compare the use of manure and fertilizer in maintaining soil fertility.
6.What is meant by hybridization? Mention its two types.
7.From where do plants acquire nitrogen and hydrogen?
8.How can insect pests in crop plants and stored grains be controlled?
9.How is green manure prepared? When is it added to the crop plants?What is the advantage of this type of manure?
10.List two demerits of continuous use of fertilizer.
11.How is green manure prepared?
12.State the role played by the manure in changing sandy and clayey soil.
13.What are weeds?Why is it necessary to remove them?
14.Which component of food is present in pulses?Also mention its function in the body.
15.Name two rabi crops.
16.A farmer observed Parthenium plant growing along with wheat crop. What is Parthenium? What should he do to protect his crop? Why?
17.Define manures. What are its three different kinds?State two limitations of manures.
18.Why do we eat pea and groundnut?
19.What is inter cropping?How does intercropping give better results to the farmers than general method of farming?
20.State four effects of biotic and abiotic factors during storage of grains.
21.What is meant by green manure?State its role in agriculture.
22.What are rabi and Kharif crops?Give two examples of each.
23.Explain any three factors for which crop variety improvement is done.
24.State any four characteristics of storage structure for grains.
25.Name the cereals which provide us carbohydrate for energy requirement.
26.What is genetic manipulation in plants?Give an example in support of your answer.
27.List any three ways by which the insect pests attack the plants.
28.State one importance of photoperiod in agriculture.
29.What are the long term benefits of using manure in crop production?
30.Removal of weeds from cultivated fields during the early stages of growth of crops is essential for a good harvest. Justify the statement.
31A farmer wants to store his agricultural produce.What are the factors that he should check before storing? What control measures should he take?


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