1.What is a cell ?
2.Why are cells known as building blocks of life ?
3.Cell is basic structural and functional unit of life.Explain the statement.
4.What are unicellular organisms ?
5.Define multicellular organisms.
6.Name two unicellular organisms.
7.Name two multicellular organisms.
8.Who observed cell for the first time ?
9.Why do organisms differ in size ?
10.Why do different organisms have different shapes ?
11.Name the smallest cell.
12.Name the longest cell.
13.Name the largest cell.
14. Why do nerve cell posses a long fiber-like structure ?
15.Write the full form of PPLO.
16.What is the importance of yolk in hen`s egg ?
17.What is the life span of red blood cell ?
18.Name the stain used to stain human cheek cell ?
19.Name the stain for onion peel cell ?
20.White blood cell is like an organism.Name the organism.
21.What are cell organelles ?
22.Name the outer covering of an animal cell ?
23.What is a cell wall ?
24.Write 2 functions of cell wall ?
25.Why are plant cells more rigid than the animal cells?
26.What is cytoplasm ?What is it made up of ?
27.Name the organelle which is called control house of the cell.Why is it called         so?
28.What is the function of chromosome ?
29.Write the parts of a nucleus.
30.What is a nuclear membrane ?
31.What is nucleoplasm ?
32.Why do leaves look green in colour ?
33.What is photosynthesis ?
34.Which cell organelle absorbs sunlight ?
35.Write functions of endoplasmic reticulum.
36.Write 2 functions of vacoule.
37.Name the organelle which is called power house of the cell.Why is it called 
     so ?
38.Write 2 functions of cilia and flagella.
39.Write the name of an organism having cilia.
40.Give an example of an organism having flagella.
41.Name the plastid which provides green colour to leaves.
42.What is chromatin ?
43.When do chromosomes appear in a cell ? What role do they play in it ?
44.Why are tomatoes  red in colour ?
45.Aman does lot of physiological activities.What can you confer about  the       no. of mitocholendria in Aman from this statement ?
46.Name the organelle which is called store house of the cell.
47.Write 2 differences between plant and animal vacoule.
48.Write function of ribosomes.
49.What is a tissue ?Give an example.
50.What is an organ ?Name 2 organs.
51.What is an organ system ?Write names of 5 organ systems of human body.
52.Write 5 differences between plant cell and animal cell.
53.Draw and label an animal cell.
54.Draw a plant cell with its organelles.
55.Draw a labelled diagram of hen's egg.

FILL IN THE BLANKS  :                                                                                      
(Q.1) Largest cell, which can be observed with an unaided eye is  _____________       
(Q.2)  Plasma membrane and rigid outer layer cell wall both give the_______ to the cell. 
(Q.3)  The liquid present in the nucleus is _______and is surrounded by______.            
(Q.4)  The structure responsible for the transfer of characters from the parents to next generation is ____________. 
(Q.5)  Largest organelle present in the plant cell is ___________.                                         
 (Q.6)   The outermost layer of an animal cell is _____________. 

(Q.7)  The organelle found in a cell, which is rod-shaped or spherical in shape is ______________.                 (Q.8)  __________ cells have larger vacuoles than the _________ cells
(Q.9)  Different tissues join to form a __________.                                 (Q.10)  Fluid present in the nucleus is called_______________                                                                                                                
 (Q.12)  In plant cells, where does the nucleus lies.                                                           
 (Ans)  Generally, nucleus lies in the center of the cells but in plant cells, it is present at periphery.
 (Q.13)  Animal cells have following except                                                                                        (a) Mitochondria                 (b) Ribosomes                   (c) Large Vacuoles      (d) Nucleolus.              
 (Q.14)  Mention the layer outside the plasma membrane of a plant                               cell.                                
 (Ans) Cell Wall is the layer outside the plasma memberane of a plant cell.                     

Question.1: Indicate True(T) or False(F)
a.    Unicellular organisms have one-celled body.
b.    Muscle cells are branched structures.
c.    The basic living structure of an organism is an organ.
d.    Amoeba has irregular shape.
Answer: a)T b)T (spindle shaped structures) c)F d)T.
Question.2: Make a sketch of the human nerve dell. What function do nerve cells perform?
Answer: Functions of human nerve cell:
  1. Nerve cells receive message from different parts of body.
  2. They further transfer these messages to brain and accordingly brain send commands for functioning of different organs of body. 
Question.3: Write short notes on the following:
(a) Cytoplasm (b) Nucleus of a cell
     (a   Cytoplasm: Cytoplasm is a jelly like substance which is present between the cell membrane and the nucleus. Various other organelles of cells are present in the cytoplasm. Cytoplasm is made up of chemical substances like carbohydrates, proteins and water. These chemical substances are present in cells of all types and sizes. Cytoplasm contains many important tiny substances called Organelles.
     (b   Nucleus of a cell: Nucleus is the master of the cell. It commands all the functioning of the cell. It is generally located in the center of the cell and is spherical in shape. A membrane called nuclear membrane separates it from cytoplasm. It contains the genetic material DNA and RNA in it. This porous membrane allows the transfer of material in the nucleus and cytoplasm. Nucleus contains a dense body called Nucleolus which actually contains Chromosomes, the genetic material.     
Question.4: Which part of the cell contains organelles?
Answer: Cytoplasm.
Question.5: Make sketches of animal and plant cells. State three differences between them.
Answer: See answer of Q.No.6 (Extra study materials additional long type questions - Link given below).
Question.6: State a difference between eukaryotes and prokaryotes.
Answer: Prokaryotes do not have a well designed nuclear membrane while, eukaryotes have a well designed nuclear membrane.  
Question.7: Where are the chromosomes found in cell? State their functions.
Answer: Chromosomes are found in the nucleus of a cell. Their function is to carry characteristic features of parent cells to the daughter cell means, from parent to offspring.
Question.8: ‘Cells are the basic structural units of living organism’. Explain.
Answer: In Biology, the basic unit of which all living things are composed is known as ‘cell’. The ‘cell’ is the smallest structural unit of living matter that is capable of functioning independently. A single cell can be a complete organism in itself, as in bacteria and protozoans. A unicellular organism also captures and digests food, respires, excretes, grows, and reproduces. Similar functions in multi-cellular organisms are carried out by groups of specialized cells which are organized into tissues and organs such as, the higher plants and animals. Hence, ‘cell’ is known as the basic structural and functional unit of life.       
Question.9: Explain why chloroplasts are found only in plant cells.
Answer: Chloroplasts are found only in plant cells because they are required for photosynthesis.

1. What is cell ?
2. Define characteristics of cell ?
3 . What are common similarities between all organ
isms ?
4. What is the Function of a cell ?
5. who Discovered Cells ?
6. What is the Meaning of cell ?
7. What Was 1
book on cells ?
8. What Is a Microscope ?
9. ------------- is a group of cells with same char
acteristics ?
10. ------------- is a structure that contains more
than one type of tissues ?
11. Can cells compared to bricks why or why not ?
12. Categorize the Organisms Based Upon Their Cell
13 . Give 3 Examples of Unicellular Organisms
14. An Amoeba is a ------------- cell organism
15 . Name The Largest and Smallest Single Cell In t
he World
16. Define cell Structure and its contains
17. Define Protoplasm
18. Name Parts of Nucleus
19. Name Parts of Organelles
20. Cell without a Nucleus Is Called --------------
21. What are the functions of Nucleus ?
22. Define Chromosomes

  • Carbohydrate
  • Job interview questions




  1. Pls include answers for all questions very helpful to us

  2. Pls include answers for all questions very helpful to us

  3. Plz write the answer of Q#10 on organisms different shapes so it will be helpful


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