1.Write two functions of smooth endoplasmic reticulum.
2.Write in tabular form three differences between a plant cell and an animal cell.
3.List six functions of a nucleus.
4.State any two reasons for plant cells to have large central vacuole.
5.What is osmosis?
6.What is endosmosis?
7.What is exosmosis?
8.Who observed cell for the first time?
9.Who discovered nucleus?
10.Who coined the term 'protoplasm'?
11.Who proposed 'cell theory'?
12.Write two features of cell theory.
13.What did Virchow add to cell theory?
14.What are unicellular organisms?
15.Give four examples of unicellular organisms.
16.What are multicellular organisms?
17.Give four examples of multicellular organisNams.
18.Why do organisms have cells of different shape and size?
19.What do you mean by division of labour in multicellular organisms?
20.Write three functions of plasma membrane.
21.Name the scientist who first discovered golgi apparatus.
22.What is cisternae?
22.Explain why chromosome is one of the chief components of a nucleus?
23.Which two organelles of a cell contain their own genetic material?
24.What will happen if organization of a cell is destroyed due to some physical and chemical influence?
25.What is lacking in a virus which makes it dependent on a living cell to multiply?
26.List any three functions performed by endoplasmic reticulum.
27.Which cell organelles are called the power house of the cell?
Why is ATP called energy currency of the cell?
28.Draw a neat labelled diagram of an animal cell and label on it the following: plasma membrane, nucleus, lysosome.
29.State two types of plastids.Write one function of each.
30.What are chromosomes?List their two functions.
31.In what way mitochondria and chloroplast differ from other organelles of a cell?
32.Expand RER and SER.Differenciate between them in respect to structure and function.
33.State two functions of vacuoles in a plant cell.
34.Draw a neat diagram of a plant cell and label the following parts: cell wall,nucleus, vacuoles, golgi apparatus.
35.Name the energy currency of the cell.Which cell organelle releases this currency?
36.What are lysosomes?Why are they called suicidal bag of a cell?
37.How is a prokaryotic cell different from an eukaryotic cell?
38.What is meant by membrane biogenesis? Which cell organelle is concerned with membrane biogenesis?
39.What is a cell?Why is a cell called structural and functional unit of life?
40.List two similarities between plastids and mitochondria.


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