Learning for growth

Are were ready to spend energy and time to add skills and knowledge areas, if once picked it can be life changing for all times to come and can provide one of its kind comfort level, we are not able to appreciate at the outset.

The world got wedded to the keyboard quite sometime back, it is very difficult to say if we are even sure of recognising the handwritings of our near and dear ones. We have to face lots of problems every day giving unnecessary stress to our neck, wrist and eyes but we are not ready to learn this life saving skill.

Preparing PPTs is another critical skill. It has become the quintessential to the way we communicate to the groups and put forth our point of view in professional settings. It can give you a first meeting headway or leave a lasting impact.

Get abreast with the latest technology / using relevant softwares is a must. The skills and knowledge areas you need is your decision. But it need to happen. Once learnt you can keep falling upon it for a life time luxury emanating out of it. You become cut above the rest. Skill and knowledge stagnation is despicable in the age of disruption.


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