Reproduction in Animals

1. What is sexual reproduction?
2. Define gamete. Name the male and female gametes in humans.
3. Earthworm is an hermaphrodite animal. What does it mean?
4. When is a zygote formed? What is the process known as? 
5. Write two demerits of external fertilisation. 
6. What kind of fertilisation and development takes place in parrot?
7. Draw a human sperm. What is the role of head of the sperm?
8. Draw a male reproductive system and label the parts that 
a) sperms develop inside it. 
b) a gland present behind the bladder
c) sperms pass through this to urethra 
d) muscular structure through which urine and semen pass. 
9. Penis conducts urine as well as semen but the two cannot pass at the same time. Why? 
10. Draw the female reproductive system and label the parts that
a) produces egg
b) zygote is formed here
c) receives the sperms 
d) development of foetus takes place here.
11. Why does siblings have some common characters?
12. What kind of fertilisation takes place in humans? Why is it called so? 
13. Differentiate between embryo, foetus and infant.
14. Why do frogs lay hundreds of eggs whereas hen lays only one egg at a time? 
15. Why is production of large number of eggs and sperms  necessary to ensure fertilisation in fishes? 


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