Reproduction in Animals

1. What is incubation period?
2. Describe the changes that takes place in zygote inside the body of hen? 
3. Mention two ways by which egg of a hen is provided by the required temperature before hatching? 
4. What is calcite? Where do we find it? 
5. Birds are oviparous whreas mammals are viviparous. What does it mean?
6. What is metamorphosis? Give two examples where metamorphosis is observed? 
7. We can collect eggs of lizards but not of a dog. Why?
8. Mention four changes that 
 takes place in a tadpole when it metamorphoses  into an adult frog?
9. Name the following
a) Another term for the fertilised egg
b) A type of fission in bacteria 
c) The process of fusion of the gametes
d) The part of the female reproductive organ where embryo gets embedded. 
10. Draw life cycle of a frog. 


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