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Conservation of plants and animals

1.Reema takes the envelope after her parents read the matter of the card and then does her calculations of Maths ,once with pencil and then again on the same paper with pen. a)Why do you think Reema does this? b)How can she save our environment by doing so? c)What is the name given  to the papers Reema is using?


1.Rohit had idli in his breakfast today. He said," It is very soft and fluffy today. Please, give me one more." His mother gave him one more but he ate only half. His mother said," When you  could eat only half, why did you take one." a)According to you what made the idli soft and fluffy? b)Which organism is responsible for making idli soft and fluffy? c)Which process is involved here? d)Why did her mother say,"Why did you take one?"


1.What is apiculture? 2.Name two products of economic value of apiculture. 3.List any three desirable character of bee variety suitable for honey production. 4.Mention two advantages of using Italian bee variety in honey production. 5.What is pasturage and how is it related to honey production? 6.What determines the taste of honey? 7.What are apiaries? 8.Name the Italian bee variety. 9.Name the three Indian bee variety. 10.List three uses of honey. 11.Why has bee keeping became an agricultural enterprise?


1.What is composite fish culture system? 2.Mention one merit and one demerit of composite fish culture system. 3.Name any one bottom feeder that can be grown in composite fish culture. 4 What are the problems faced in composite culture? How are they overcome? 5.What are the three advantages of composite fish culture? 6.What is capture fishing? 7.What is culture fishing? 8.Name three marine fish variety. 9.How can the marine fish be located? 10.Name two seaweeds. 11.Name two finned fish of high economic value. 12.What is mariculture? 13.Name the fish cultivated for pearls. 14.Name two fish that is grown in rice field. 15. What is aquaculture? 16.Name the fish that feeds on weeds. 17.Name two bottom feeders. 18.Name a surface feeder fish. 19.Name a fish that lives in the middle zone of the pond. 20.Name two reservoirs of brackish water fish. 21.How does Catla differ from Mrigal.


1.Na me two fresh initiative taken to increa se the water availability for agri culture . 2. What is mixed cropping ? Give one example. How does it help the farmers? 3.Explain the meanings of the following desirable factors for. which crop variety improvement is done: a)biotic and abiotic resistance b)wider adaptability c)desirable agronomic traits 4.Name any two weeds of crop field. 5.Compare the use of manure and fertilizer in maintaining soil fertility. 6.What is meant by hybridization? Mention its two types. 7.From where do plants acquire nitrogen and hydrogen? 8.How can insect pests in crop plants and stored grains be controlled? 9.How is green manure prepared? When is it added to the crop plants?What is the advantage of this type of manure? 10.List two demerits of continuous use of fertilizer. 11.How is green manure prepared? 12.State the role played by the manure in changing sandy and clayey soil. 13.What are weeds?Why is it necessary to remove them? 14.Whi

Animal Husbandry

1.Define animal husbandry. 2.What is the role of certain feed additives containing micronutrients in dairy animals? 3.Give the two types of food requirement of dairy animals. 4.Mention two forms of animal feed. 5.What is roughage? 6.How do good animal husbandry practices benefit farmers? 7.What are milch animals? 8.Name four milch animals. 9.What are draught animals? 10.Name two draught animals. 11.What is lactation period? 12.Name two exotic breeds of cow. 13.Name two local breeds of cow. 14.What is hybridization? 15.Write two desirable qualities for cross breeding in cows. 16.How can milk productivity be increased in milch animals? 17.Write four features of a good shed. 18.What are internal parasites? How do they affect cattles? 19.What are external parasites? How do they affect cattles? 20.How can cattles be protected against diseases? 21.List the two types of food requirement of dairy animals. 22.State two characteristics of a healthy animal. 23.Give three man


1.What is cell wall made up of? 2.What is the function of cellulose of cell wall? 3.What is plasmolysis? 4.Why can cells of fungi and bacteria withstand greater changes in the surrounding medium than animal cells? 5.Name two microorganisms who possess cell wall. 6.Write three differences between cell wall and plasma membrane. 7.A  bacteria and an amoeba is placed in a very dilute hypotonic solution.Which of the two will burst earlier and why? 8.Write two functions of cell wall. 9.Name two organisms that possess cell wall. 10.Write three identifying features of cell wall.  For MCQ on this topic ( click here)

Plasma membrane

1.What is plasma membrane? 2.List three functions of plasma membrane. 3.How does movement of carbon dioxide take place in a cell? 4.What is diffusion? 5.What is the role of diffusion in a cell? 6.What is osmosis? 7.What is hypotonic solution? 8.What is endosmosis? 9.What is hypertonic solution? 10.What is exosmosis? 11.What is isotonic solution? 12.In which chemical does calcium carbonate dissolve? 13.Write two uses of osmosis observed in nature. 14.What is plasma membrane made up of? 15.What is endocytosis? 16.Why is the plasma membrane called a selectively permeable membrane? 17..Classify the following as osmosis or diffusion: a)aquatic animals using oxygen dissolved in water during respiration b)swelling up of raisins on keeping in water c)spreading of virus on sneezing. 17.What happens to dry raisins when we put them in plain water for sometimes? State the reason for whatever is observed.What would happen if these raisins are now placed in concentrated salt solu


1.Write two functions of smooth endoplasmic reticulum. 2.Write in tabular form three differences between a plant cell and an animal cell. 3.List six functions of a nucleus. 4.State any two reasons for plant cells to have large central vacuole. 5.What is osmosis? 6.What is endosmosis? 7.What is exosmosis? 8.Who observed cell for the first time? 9.Who discovered nucleus? 10.Who coined the term 'protoplasm'? 11.Who proposed 'cell theory'? 12.Write two features of cell theory. 13.What did Virchow add to cell theory? 14.What are unicellular organisms? 15.Give four examples of unicellular organisms. 16.What are multicellular organisms? 17.Give four examples of multicellular organisNams. 18.Why do organisms have cells of different shape and size? 19.What do you mean by division of labour in multicellular organisms? 20.Write three functions of plasma membrane. 21.Name the scientist who first discovered golgi apparatus. 22.What is cisternae? 22.Explain why


1.What is microbiology? 2.What are microorganisms? 3.Name four different types of microorganisms. 4.Name two bacteria. 5.Name two protozoa. 6.Name two fungi 7.Name two algae. 8.What are unicellular organisms? 9.Name two unicellular organisms. 10.What are multicellular organisms? 11.Name two multicellular organisms. 12.Why are viruses known as unique organisms? 13.Name a disease that spreads through soil. 14.Name two diseases that spread through air. 15.Name two diseases that spread through water. 16.Name two diseases that spread through animals. 17.How does sun drying help in preservation of food? 18.What is rancidity? 19.What is pasteurization? 20.How does pasteurization help in preserving milk? 21.What is food poisoning? 22.Name the causative organism of food poisoning. 22.What preventive measures should we take to protect ourselves from food poisoning? 23.Name two chemicals that help in food preservation. 24.How does refrigeration help in food preservation?


1.What is basic difference between plant and animal growth? 2.What is a tissue? 3.What is an organ? 4.Name four dead plant tissue. 5.Give three features of cardiac muscles. 6.Write two functions of areolar tissue. 7.What is aerenchyma? 8.List three functions of epidermis. 9.Name the chemical present in cork cell.Write its function. 10.Why is phloem known as complex permanent tissue? 11.Where is blood formed in our body? 12.What type of intercellular matrix found in bone tissue? 13.Which connective tissue connects two bones? 14.Name the fat storing tissue. 15.Where do you find simple squamous tissue? 16.Write three identifying features of collenchyma tissue. 17.Draw a well labelled diagram of a neuron. 18.Name the tissue responsible for increasing the length of the plant. 19.Of which tissue is husk of coconut made up of? 20.Diagrammatically show the location of different meristematic tissue in plants. 21.List any four salient features of meristematic tissue. 22.Dr