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Activities from the lesson : Crop Production and its Management VIII

I. Identification of healthy and damaged seeds. 2. Growing seedlings with manure and fertilisers. 3. Collection of different types of seeds. 4. Collection of pics of new agricultural machines and gathering information about them.  5. A visit to a nearby farm land.  6. Growing leguminous plants to observe root nodules. 7. Preparation of manure at home. 8.  Collection of different types of weeds from school garden. 

Reproduction in Animals

1. What is incubation period? 2. Describe the changes that takes place in zygote inside the body of hen?  3. Mention two ways by which egg of a hen is provided by the required temperature before hatching?  4. What is calcite? Where do we find it?  5. Birds are oviparous whreas mammals are viviparous. What does it mean? 6. What is metamorphosis? Give two examples where metamorphosis is observed?  7. We can collect eggs of lizards but not of a dog. Why? 8. Mention four changes that   takes place in a tadpole when it metamorphoses  into an adult frog? 9. Name the following a) Another term for the fertilised egg b) A type of fission in bacteria  c) The process of fusion of the gametes d) The part of the female reproductive organ where embryo gets embedded.  10. Draw life cycle of a frog. 

Reproduction in Animals

1. What is sexual reproduction? 2. Define gamete. Name the male and female gametes in humans. 3. Earthworm is an hermaphrodite animal. What does it mean? 4. When is a zygote formed? What is the process known as?  5. Write two demerits of external fertilisation.  6. What kind of fertilisation and development takes place in parrot? 7. Draw a human sperm. What is the role of head of the sperm? 8. Draw a male reproductive system and label the parts that  a) sperms develop inside it.  b) a gland present behind the bladder c) sperms pass through this to urethra  d) muscular structure through which urine and semen pass.  9. Penis conducts urine as well as semen but the two cannot pass at the same time. Why?  10. Draw the female reproductive system and label the parts that a) produces egg b) zygote is formed here c) receives the sperms  d) development of foetus takes place here. 11. Why does siblings have some common characters? 12. What kind of fertilisation takes place in humans? Why is it c

Reproduction in Animals

1. What is reproduction? 2. Why is reproduction important? 3. Reproduction is not necessary for the survival of an individual yet it is considered important . Explain the statement.  4. Name the two modes of reproduction.  5. Define asexual reproduction. 6. Write three differences between asexual and sexual reproduction. 7. Explain diagramatically the binary fission in Amoeba.  8. Name the type of reproduction observed in Hydra. Explain the process. 9. Name two organisms in each who undergo a) budding  b) binary fission  10. Write two differences between binary and multiple fission. 11. Write two characteristics of asexual reproduction.  12. Individuals formed by asexual reproduction are genetically identical to the parent. Explain the statement. 13. Differentiate between the reproduction of yeast and that of bacteria. 14. Diagramatically show the budding in Hydra. 15. What is the role of bud in asexual reproduction? Where is it found? 

Learning for growth

Are were ready to spend energy and time to add skills and knowledge areas, if once picked it can be life changing for all times to come and can provide one of its kind comfort level, we are not able to appreciate at the outset. The world got wedded to the keyboard quite sometime back, it is very difficult to say if we are even sure of recognising the handwritings of our near and dear ones. We have to face lots of problems every day giving unnecessary stress to our neck, wrist and eyes but we are not ready to learn this life saving skill. Preparing PPTs is another critical skill. It has become the quintessential to the way we communicate to the groups and put forth our point of view in professional settings. It can give you a first meeting headway or leave a lasting impact. Get abreast with the latest technology / using relevant softwares is a must. The skills and knowledge areas you need is your decision. But it need to happen. Once learnt you can keep falling upon it for a life time

Microorganisms : friends or foes

1. What is the study of microorganisms called? 2. Who established the existence of bacteria?  3. Name two protozoans.  4. Give two examples of bacteria.  5. Yeast is an example of ___________. 6. Viruses are unique. Justify the statement. 7. Viruses can be crystallisrd and stored in jars for years. Why? 8. Name the bacteria that helps in formation of curd. 9. What is the range of temperature in which microorganisms exhibit maximum growth?  10. The curd kept at room temperature for longer duration makes the curd sour. Explain the statement. 11. Rahul had idli in his breakfast. He said to his mother, "you make very soft and fluffy idlis". a) What according to you makes the idli soft and fluffy? b) What is the process called?  c) Which microorganism is used in the process? 12. Name the sugar present in leaves.  13. Why does milk taste sweet?  14. Define effluent.  15. What is bioaugmentation?  16. How does microorganisms present in alimentary canal help humans? 17. Name two anti