Exam fear

Follow these three 'H' in your life. 

Honesty, Happiness and Humbleness. 

Live every moment of your life honestly, humbly and happily. Study with full devotion and sincerity not to please your parents or to compare with your friends. You are a unique personality. Live your own self. Always be happy and ready to help others. Remember knowledge increases when you share it with others. Now some tips to overcome your exam fear.

1. Study regularly.... If you study regularly you will not require heavy hours of studying just before the examinations. 

2. Keep revising... Once you leave a portion unrevised for more than 72hrs,things start to erase from your brain memory. Studying the same topic again may require more hours than revising it frequently.

3. Open up with your friends and teachers.... If you don't understand a topic don't hesitate to discuss with your friends or ask your teachers. This is the right time to ask, you may not get an opportunity in later stages of life. 

4. Plan properly.... Make a revision plan at least a month before the commencement of the exam. Don't wait for the exam dates to be announced. 

 Stay blessed, healthy and keep smiling.

All the best! 


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