
1. How are fungi similar and dissimilar to plants.

2. What is biodiversity? List three features of vertebrates. 

3. Blue green algae are placed in Monera not in plantae. Why? 

4. Why do bryophytes and pteridophytes grow in moist and shady places? 

5. Mention one difference between triploblastic and diploblastic animals. 

6. Write two peculiar characters of sponges. 

7. How can we say that sea horse is a fish while jellyfish is a coelenterate?

8. Which group of plants is known as flowering plants? 

9. What are saprophytes? Name the kingdom to which they belong. 

10. Identify the class of the following animals having following features. 

i) slimy skin and three chambered heart. 

ii) covering of feathers and four chambered heart.

iii) List two important characteristics of phylum Nematoda. 


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