1. Plasma membrane is made up of which two components.
2. Why is endocytosis found in animals only?
3. Why were the scientists not able to observe most of the cell organelles before 1940?
4. Why do animal cells not have cell wall?
5. If you are provided with some vegetable to cook, you generally add salt into the vegetables. After adding salt, vegetables release water. Why?
6. Differentiate between diffusion and osmosis.
7. What will happen if red blood cell is kept in concentrated saline solution?
8. Why does the skin of your finger shrink when you wash clothes for a long time?
9. A solution of 3% glucose and 8% glucose are kept in a trough separated by a semi permeable membrane. What will you observe after one hour?
10. A person takes concentrated solution of salt, after sometimes, he starts vomiting. What is the phenomenon responsible for this situation? Explain.
11. If cells of onion peel and RBC are separately kept in hypotonic solution, what will happen to each of them?
12. Rheo leaves are boiled in water first and then a drop of sugar syrup is put on it. What will you observe?
13. What will happen if dry apricots are left for sometime in pure water and later transferred to sugar solution?
14. What will happen if the plasma membrane of a cell breaks down?
15. When amoeba is placed in a hypertonic medium, it shrinks. Why does this happen? Explain.


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