
Showing posts from September, 2018


1. How are fungi similar and dissimilar to plants. 2. What is biodiversity? List three features of vertebrates.  3. Blue green algae are placed in Monera not in plantae. Why?  4. Why do bryophytes and pteridophytes grow in moist and shady places?  5. Mention one difference between triploblastic and diploblastic animals.  6. Write two peculiar characters of sponges.  7. How can we say that sea horse is a fish while jellyfish is a coelenterate? 8. Which group of plants is known as flowering plants?  9. What are saprophytes? Name the kingdom to which they belong.  10. Identify the class of the following animals having following features.  i) slimy skin and three chambered heart.  ii) covering of feathers and four chambered heart. iii) List two important characteristics of phylum Nematoda. 

Animal classification

1. Write any two features that are present in all chordata. 2. Write one difference between pseudocoelom and true coelom. 3. To which phylum do sponges belong? Write ons characteristics feature of the phylum. 4. Which is the largest phylum of the animal kingdom? Give two examples of animals belonging to this phylum.  5. Write differences between bony fish and cartilagenous fish.  6.What is radial symmetry? Name the phylums which have this kind of symmetry.  7. Differentiate between nerve cord and notochord.  8. The animals of which class of kingdom Animalia are cold blooded animals? 9. An animal has triploblastic, dordo entrally flattened body with no true internal body cavity. To which group of kingdom Animalia this animal belongs to? 10. Differentiate different classes of kingdom Animalia on the basis of structure of heart. 

Classification of plants

Q. Schematically illustrate the classification of phanerogams. Give two examples of plants with vascular tissues which do not produce seeds. 2. State one difference between thallophyta and bryophyta.  3. Explain the meaning of cryptogam and give an example of it. 4. A plant specimen was found with rhizoids instead of differentiated roots. Identify the group to which it belongs. Write any two characteristics of this group. Draw the diagram of a plant belonging to this group.  5. Write two differences between pteridophytes and phanerogams. 6. What is common feature between bryophytes and frog. 7. Explain the structure of moss. To which phylum does it belong?  8. Differentiate between angiosperms and gymnosperms. 9. Write four characteristics features of bryophyta.  10. On the basis of seed how a maize plant different from a pea plant. 

Plant tissue :IX

1. Name the tissue responsible for increase in girth of stem and root. 2. Write two differences between aerenchyma and chlorenchyma. 3. Write two basic structural differences between parenchyma and collenchyma. 4. Write two differences between meristematic and permanent tissue. 5. Show the diagrammatic representation of location of lateral meristem and इंटर alarm meristem. 6. Name the tissue, type of tissue and main functions of husk of coconut and i leaf stalk below the epidermis. 7. Epidermis is thicker in desert plants though it is only single layered. Why? 8. आर plants and animals made up of same type of tissues? If no, then write points of difference. 9. Name the tissue which gives flexibility to plants. 10.a) Name the plant tissue which is associated with the conduction of water in the plant body. b) Why is this tissue called complex tissue?  c) Write the various components of this tissue. 

Connective tissue

1. How is ligament different from tendon? 2. Name the connective tissue with fluid matrix.  3. Give three differences between bone and cartilage.  4. Why are blood called as connective tissue?  5. Name a fluid other than blood which circulates in our body.  6. Write location and function of areolar and adipose tissue.  7. Explain the structure of fluid connective tissue  8. Write three functions of blood.  9. Name the tissue that connects muscles to bone in the body.  10. Name a tissue that stores fat in our body. 

Exam fear

Follow these three 'H' in your life.  Honesty, Happiness and Humbleness.  Live every moment of your life honestly, humbly and happily. Study with full devotion and sincerity not to please your parents or to compare with your friends. You are a unique personality. Live your own self. Always be happy and ready to help others. Remember knowledge increases when you share it with others. Now some tips to overcome your exam fear. 1. Study regularly.... If you study regularly you will not require heavy hours of studying just before the examinations.  2. Keep revising... Once you leave a portion unrevised for more than 72hrs,things start to erase from your brain memory. Studying the same topic again may require more hours than revising it frequently. 3. Open up with your friends and teachers.... If you don't understand a topic don't hesitate to discuss with your friends or ask your teachers. This is the right time to ask, you may not get an opportunity in later stages of life. 

Epithelial tissue

1. List three main functions of epithelial tissue. 2. What is basement membrane?  3. Differentiate squamous, cuboidal and columnar epithelium on the basis of structure, location and function.  4. Name the tissue that forms the inner lining of the mouth. 5. Cuboidal epithelium forms the lining of kidney tubules. Can they be replaced by columnar epithelial cells? Give reason for your answer.

Muscular tissue

1. What are the three types of muscle fibres? 2. What are muscular tissues? What is their function? 3. Give three points of difference between muscles of leg and that of heart.  4. Striated muscles are also known as skeletal muscles. Why? 5. What are voluntary muscles? Give an example of this type of muscle. 

Nervous tissue

1. What is a nervous tissue? 2. Draw a well labelled diagram of neuron.  3. From which part of a nerve cell, dendrites arise? 4. Which cell is the longest cell in our body?  5. What is the name of the tissue that receives and Conducts impulses in animals? What is the basic unit of this tissue? 

Tissues. :IX

1. Differentiate between meristematic and permanent tissue. 2. What is Cork? Give two uses of Cork. 3. Describe the structure of a neuron. 4. Differentiate between the different types of muscular tissue on the basis of its shape and nucleus. 5. Name the connective tissue which has fluid matrix. Write its components. 6.What is harvesian canal? Where do we find it.? 7. Mention location and one function of cilia Ted epithelial tissue. 8. What is an organ? 9. Onion cell walls are thick and waterproof. Which chemical makes it so? 10. Write location and one function of each of the meristematic tissue.