1.Why do organisms need food ?
2.What does food provide ?
3.What are crops ?
4.Name 2 cereal crops.
5.Name 2 fodder crops.
6.What are kharif crops ? Name 2 kharif crops.
7.What are rabi crops ? Name 2 rabi crops.
8.Why do different crops require different conditions for survival ?
9.Name the crop whose production has been increased by, (a) Green Revolution    (b) Yellow Revolution
10.Mention 3 major group of activities for improving crop yield.
11.Write 4 characteristics desirable for plants.
12.Write 2 ways of incorporating desirable characters into crop varieties.
13.What is hybridisation?
14.Name three ways of hybridisation.
15.Write 5 factors for which variety improvement can be done.
16.Which type of hybridisation is extensively used in plant breeding?
17.What are nutrients?
18.What are essential plant nutrients?
19.How are nutrients supplied to plants?
20.How would nutrient deficiency affect the plant?
21.How many nutrients are necessary for plant growth ?
22.What  are macro nutrients ?
23.What are micro nutrients ?
24.Write 3 advantages amd 3 disadvantages of manures.
25.What are farm yard manure ?
26.What are manures ?
27.Mention 3 types of manures.
28.What is vermicomposting ?
29.What is green manure ?
30.What is compost?
31.What are fertilizers?
32.Write five differences between manures and fertilizers.
33.Write 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages of fertilizers.
34.What is organic farming ?
35.What is irrigation ?Write 2 factors on which irrigation depends.
36.Write 3 advantages of irrigation ?
37.Write 2 new methods of irrigation system.
38.Mention 5 commonly used irrigation system of India .
39.What is mixed cropping ?Give 2 examples of mixed cropping.
40. Write 4 advantages of mixed cropping.
41.What is intercropping ?
42.Write 4 advantages of intercropping.
43.Write 4 differences between mixed cropping and intercropping.
44.What is crop rotation ?
45.Write 4 advantages of crop rotation.
46.What are the factors from which crops needs to be protected ?
47.What is a pest ?
48.Mention 3 ways by which insect pest can attack the plant ?
49.What are weeds ?How can they be removed ?
50.What are pathogens ?
51.How are weeds harmful for plants ?
52.What are the factors responsible for loss during storage ?
53.Mention 4 abiotic factors responsible for loss during storage.
54.Write 4 biotic factors responsible for loss during storage.
55.Write preventive measures that can be used before grains are stored ?
56.Write control measures against pest attacking stored grains.
57.Name commercialy produced plant nutrients used for  increasing fertility         of soil.
58.How is intercropping more benificial than mixed cropping ?
59.Why are legume crops chosen for crop rotation ?
60.How can the rain water be effectively used for irrigation purposes ?


9 – Biology : Topic: Improvement in food resources
A. Very short answer questions:
Q1. Define the following terms:
a) photoperiod   b) green manure   c) organic farming  d) concentrates e) roughage
Q2. Mention one advantage and one disadvantage of green revolution.
Q3. What nutrients do we get from: cereals and pulses?
Q4. How many nutrients are required in lesser quantities and what are they commonly called?
Q5. Why even excess application of manure does not cause pollution?
Q6. Give one disadvantage of fertilizer.
Q7. Name one crop which can tolerate water logging in field and one which cannot?
Q8. What happens when a matured wheat crop is irrigated?
Q9. A farmer grows gram crop between two cereal crops. What agricultural practice is being followed?
Q10. Give one word:
1) A toxic substance effective against insects.
2) A fungal disease of wheat crop      3) A common weed 
4) A weedicide     5) One natural insecticide
Q11. Name one HYV of cow and one of buffalo.
Q12. Name two exotic varieties of cow.
Q13. What are the indications for diseased cattle?
Q14. Why special care of broiler is taken?
Q15. During heavy rains in a village, the rain water carried excess of nitrogen into the river. What can be the consequence of this process.?
Q16. Name two indigenous breeds of poultry.
Q17. Define inland fishery.
Q18. How is pisciculture different from apiculture?
Q19. Name two fresh water fishes.
Q20.What two products do we obtain from honey bees?
B. Short answer questions:
Q1. How are HYV of poultry advantageous over local breeds?
Q2. What is pasturage and how is it related to honey production?
Q3. How will you distinguish between capture fishery, inland fishery and aquaculture?
Q4. Name the Italian bee variety used for honey production and mention two reasons for why its preferred over other varieties?
Q5. Define composite fish culture and mention its advantage.
Q6. How are broilers and layers different from each other?
Q7. Mention four main features of a good cattle shelter.
Q8. Pick the odd one out and give reason:
a) Gir ,sahiwal, red sindhi, jersey
b) Aseel, basra, chattisgarh, white leghorn.
Q9. Suppose you are incharge of a grain store. Mention two indications to find out the presence of pests in the godown.
Q10. Give reason:
a) legumes are desirable during crop rotation
b) Excessive irrigation of crops should be avoided.
Q11. Classify the various plant nutrients according to their sources.
Q12. Crop variety improvement is a must. Justify by giving three reasons.
Q13.How is a compost different fron vermicompost?
Q14. Pick the odd one out wiyh reason:
a) mullets, pearl spots, oyster, bhetki
b) sardine, rohu, Bombay duck, tuna
Q15. Name the surface , middle zone and bottom feeders in  composite fish culture.
C. Long answer questions:
Q1. Green revolution is like two faces of a coin . Explain in detail.
Q2. Write a note on prevention of animal diseases.
Q3.Mention the various preventive measures to be taken in account during grain storage.
Q4. Biological control methods should be preferred for protecting crops. Why?
Q5. Compare mixed and intercropping . also mention their advantages.

Question:   Match the following:
Answer:    01 - b
02 - d
03 - c
04 - a

Question 2

Question:   Give two reasons as to why there is tremendous scope to develop fisheries in India.
Answer:    There is good scope for fisheries in India because
  • India has 1.6 million hectares of inland water bodies
  • Its coast line is 6500 km long.

Question 3

Question:   Why are wrestlers and sportsmen recommended to have egg, meat and fish as a part of their diet?
Answer:    Sportsmen and wrestlers are recommended to have egg, meat and fish as a part of their diet because they contain high amounts of protein which is essential for growth and development of muscles.

Question 4

Question:   The production of food from animal sources has increased in the last few decades. Justify.
  • Improved varieties and cross-breeds have been developed
  • Proper health and disease control has also improved the yield

Question 5

Question:   Chicken A is (all chicken in reference are of same variety egg laying) exposed to very bright sunlight, chicken B is kept inside a dark building whereas chicken C is kept in a well-lit building. Which chicken will have maximum laying output?
Answer:    Chicken C will have maximum laying output.
This is because it is exposed to moderate sunlight. Moderate light intensity and duration has a favourable effect on the egg laying output of the hens.

Question 6

Question:   Give two advantages of Holstein-Friesian over the Red Sindhi.
Answer:    Advantages of Holstein-Friesian over the Red Sindhi are:
  • Average milk production is more
  • Lactation periods extend through the year

Question 7

Question:   In a certain technique, the developing embryo from a superior breed is removed and transferred into another female of inferior characters. Name this technique.
Answer:    The technique is embryo transfer.

Question 8

Question:   At a certain organisation in India cross breeds such as Karan swiss, karan fries etc. have been developed. Which organisation is it? Where is it located?
Answer:    National Dairy Research Institute at Karnal, Haryana.

Question 9

Question:   A certain health conscious person needs to choose between milk of the Surti and the Murrah. Which one should he/she choose?
Answer:    He/she should opt for the milk from the Murrah as its fat content (<7%) is lesser than that of the Surti (8%-12%).

Question 10

Question:   Cows A and B are of same breed. Cow A is fed on grass and cow B is fed on maize, grass, barley, etc. Which do you expect to give a higher quantity of milk?
Answer:    Cow B as it has both roughage and concentrates in its diet.

15. Improvement in Food Resources
Q 1 What are the three stages at which improvement of crops can be done?
Q 2. Give two examples of each: (a) Cereals (b) Oilseeds (c) Fodder crops (d) pulses
Q 3 What is the method to get desired characteristics of two different species of plant in the same plant?
Q 4 What are the two agricultural seasons in India? Name the crops grown during each of the two seasons.
Q 5 What are the advantages of shorter duration of maturity of crops? 
Q 6 What are the desirable agronomic characteristics for fodder crops and for cereals?
Q 7 What are the biotic and abiotic factors that can cause harm to a crop?
Q 8 What are macro and micro nutrients required for the growth of plants?
Q 9 What are the benefits of manure?
Q 10 Write a short note on the two types of manure.
Q 11 What nutrients are provided by fertilisers?
Q 12 Why is there a need for organic farming?
Q 13 What are the various methods adopted in Organic farming?
Q 14 Why are irrigation systems needed in India?


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