
Showing posts from 2013


1.What is scrap paper ? 2.Write 3 ways by which you can              reduce wastage of paper. 3.What is recycling of paper ? 4.How can re-establishment of flora and fauna be increased ? 5.What is reforestation ? 6.Write different hypothesis put forward to explain migration of birds? 7.Write full form of IUCN ? 8.Write 2 ways in which Red Data Book is helpful. 9.Write 3 benefits  of projects and  programmes concerning forest. 10.What is colonisation ? 11.Write 3 ways in which living organisms is an ecosystem ? 12.Name a bird which is extinct because they were hunted too much for food. 13.Write three ways which can result in habitat loss . 14.To which region is lion tailed macaque and orange breasted sunbird endemic? 15.What are vulnerable species  ? 16.What are endangered species ? 17.Name three species that are extinct ? 18.Differentiate between National Park and Wildlife Sanctuary . 19.Why is Gahirmatha Turtle Sanctuary i


1.Why do organisms need food ? 2.What does food provide ? 3.What are crops ? 4.Name 2 cereal crops. 5.Name 2 fodder crops. 6.What are kharif crops ? Name 2 kharif crops. 7.What are rabi crops ? Name 2 rabi crops. 8.Why do different crops require different conditions for survival ? 9.Name the crop whose production has been increased by, (a) Green Revolution    (b) Yellow Revolution 10.Mention 3 major group of activities for improving crop yield. 11.Write 4 characteristics desirable for plants. 12.Write 2 ways of incorporating desirable characters into crop varieties. 13.What is hybridisation? 14.Name three ways of hybridisation. 15.Write 5 factors for which variety improvement can be done. 16.Which type of hybridisation is extensively used in plant breeding? 17.What are nutrients? 18.What are essential plant nutrients? 19.How are nutrients supplied to plants? 20.How would nutrient deficiency affect the plant? 21.How many nutrients are nece


1.What is a cell ? 2.Why are cells known as building blocks of life ? 3.Cell is basic structural and functional unit of life.Explain the statement. 4.What are unicellular organisms ? 5.Define multicellular organisms. 6.Name two unicellular organisms. 7.Name two multicellular organisms. 8.Who observed cell for the first time ? 9.Why do organisms differ in size ? 10.Why do different organisms have different shapes ? 11.Name the smallest cell. 12.Name the longest cell. 13.Name the largest cell. 14. Why do nerve cell posses a long fiber-like structure ? 15.Write the full form of PPLO. 16.What is the importance of yolk in hen`s egg ? 17.What is the life span of red blood cell ? 18.Name the stain used to stain human cheek cell ? 19.Name the stain for onion peel cell ? 20.White blood cell is like an organism.Name the organism. 21.What are cell organelles ? 22.Name the outer covering of an animal cell ? 23.What is a cell wall ? 24.Write 2 functions of cell wall ? 25