
Showing posts from July, 2022

Time Management

At the end of the day , do you think you missed out an important task for the day or have you ever felt it was so easy to do , I could have completed it earlier if I had started? 90% of the people say "Yes" to these questions.Are you among those 90% , if yes, then you need to manage your time well. You know very well, everyone on this planet has a day of 24 hours only. It is not that those who are successful have an extra hour in their day or those who are not successful have less hour in a day. So,why should you not utilize your time well to achieve what you want to achieve in life.Someone asked me, Madam how do you get time to write? I smile to them and say, I manage  my time effectively. Now, the question is how to manage your time. Here are few do's and don'ts for managing time. Do's 1.Get up half an hour prior to your time now. Early morning when you are free from daily routine write down your To do list. 2. Set some personal goals . Create your treasure map

Chapter 8 STD XI

1. Select the correct matching in the following pairs :  a) rough ER - synthesis of glycogen  b) rough ER - oxidation of fatty acid c) smooth ER - oxidation of phospholipids d) smooth ER - synthesis of lipids 2. Which of the following statements regarding mitochondria is incorrect ? a) mitochondrial matrix contains single circular DNA molecule and ribosomes  b) outer membrane is permeable to monomers of carbohydrates , fats and proteins c) enzymes of electron transport are embedded in outer membrane  d) inner membrane is convoluted with infoldings. 3. Which of the following events does not occur in rough endoplasmic reticulum ? a) protein folding  b) protein glycosylation c) cleavage of single peptide  d) phospholipid synthesis 4. Microtubules are absent in a) mitochondria b) flagella  c) spindle fibres  d) centrioles 5. Cellular organelles with membranes are  a) ER , ribosomes and nuclei   b) lysosomes , G A and mitochondria  c) nuclei , ribosomes and mitochondria  d) chromosome

Life Processes- Nutrition (Class 10)

1. What is Nutrition ? 2. What is Autotrophic Nutrition ? Give two examples. 3. What is Heterotrophic Nutrition ? Give two examples.   4. What are the raw materials required for photosynthesis ?   5. What is Photosynthesis ? Write the balanced equation for photosynthesis .  6. Write the steps involved in photosynthesis .  7. How does stomatal pores open and close?  8. Suggest one activity to show the presence of starch in leaves .  9. Green color of leaves is caused by presence of which pigment?  10. Which element is essential for the synthesis of proteins and other compounds in plants?  11. Write three elements necessary for plants .  12. How is nitrogen absorbed by plants?  13. How does Amoeba obtain its food?  14. How does Paramecium obtain its food?  15. Write down the name of three glands included in the digestive system .  16. What are enzymes ?  17. What is peristaltic movement ?  18. Which gland is present in mouth and what is its function?  19. How gastric gland he

Types of Friction

1. What is limiting force of friction? 2. Explain why sliding friction is less than static friction. 3. What is the force responsible for wearing out of bicycles tyres? 4. What is drag? 5. When does static friction come into play? 6.  The sliding friction is slightly smaller than the static friction. Explain why? 7. What is a measure of sliding friction?

Causes of friction

1. Write down the factors on which force of friction depends. 2. How does irregularities of a surface helps the two surfaces in contact stay together? 3. What are the two factors on which force of friction does not depend? 4. Tie a string around a brick. Pull the brick by a spring balance . You need to apply some force. Note down the reading on the spring balance when the brick just begins to move. It gives you a measure of the force of friction between the surface of the brick and the floor. Now wrap a piece of polythene around the brick and repeat the activity. Do you observe any difference in the readings of the spring balance in the above two cases? What might be the reason for this difference? Repeat this activity by wrapping a piece of jute bag around the brick. What do you observe? 5. Rahul has to push a lighter box and Rohit has to push a similar heavier box on the same floor. Who will have to apply a larger force and why? 6. What is the direction of force of friction acting on


1. What is force of friction? 2. In which direction does the force of friction acts? 3. Alisha runs her toy car on a dry marble floor,wet marble floor, newspaper and towel spread on the floor.Arrange the force of friction acting on the car on different surfaces in increasing order. 4. Suppose you tilt your study table and notebooks kept on it start falling.Write the direction of frictional force acting on it. 5. You spill a bucket of soapy water on a marble floor accidentally.Would it make it easier or more difficult for you to walk on the floor? Why? 6. If two students has to push one box each on similar floor.One of the box is heavier compared to other. Who will have to apply a larger force,the one carrying the lighter box or the other carrying the heavier box and why? 7. Is friction contact or non contact force?

Uses of Non Metals

1. Name two non metals which are used as fertilizers. 2. Name two forms of carbon and write two uses of each one of them. 3. When you have some kind of wound.Which non metal will you use. 4. Write three uses of sulphur. 5. I went to see the working in a match stick industry .One non metal was being used there for making match boxes and sticks.Name the non metal. 6. Name one non metal which is present in bones . Write another use of it in human body. 7. Which non metal is essential for survival of our body? Explain how is it used in our body.

Uses of Alloy

1.What is an alloy? 2. Write three ways in which the alloys are superior to the metals. 3. Name two alloys which has iron in it and write two uses of each of the alloys. 4. Name two alloys which are used for making statues.Write two other uses of each of the alloys. 5. Write one use each of German Silver and Gun metal and write its components. 6. This alloy is used for making automobile parts and aircraft bodies . Name the alloy and write its components. 7. Write name of three alloys which can be formed from copper , tin and zinc.Write components of each of them and its one use.

Uses of Metals

1. Write three uses of aluminium. 2. Write three uses each of copper and silver  3. Why is silver used for decorating food items. 4. Where are gold and silver wires used? 5. Which metal is used in making electromagnet?Write it's two other uses. 6. Name a metal which is used in making of haemoglobin. 7. Name two metals which help in transmission of electrical signals in human body.

Noble Metals

1. What are noble metals? Give two examples of noble metals. 2. Why do noble metals not get tarnished? 3. Why are gold and platinum used for making jwellery? 4. Write two uses each of gold and platinum. 5. Why can we not make jwellery of pure gold? 6. How is purity of gold expressed? 7. What do you mean by 22 carat gold?

Chemical Properties of Metals and Non metals -3

1. What is reactivity series? 2. Name the most and least reactive metals in the reactivity series. 3. What happens when magnesium is put in copper sulphate solution? Give reasons for your answer. 4. Explain your observations when you put copper in a silver nitrate solution. 5. Will aluminium be displaced if it is kept in zinc sulphate solution?Why or why not? 6. More reactive metals cannot occur in free state in earth.Justify this statement. 7. Why is platinum available in native state ?

Chemical Properties of Metals and Non metals -2

1. How can you test for hydrogen gas? 2. Why should we not store pickles in utensils made up of aluminium? 3. Write an activity to show that hydrogen gas is liberated when zinc reacts with sulphuric acid? 4. Name two non metals which react with hot concentrated sulphuric or nitric acid. 5. What happens when iron reacts with hydrochloric acid? 6. Write a balanced chemical equation showing reaction of magnesium with water. 7. What happens when metals react with alkalies?

Chemical Properties of Metals and Non metals

1. Write a test for alkali metals. 2. Name three reactive metals which can react with oxygen even at room temperature. 3. Write the nature of oxides formed from non metals. 4. Why are aluminium cookers anodized from inside? 5. Why are non metals stored in water?Name one such non metal. 6. Why are sodium stored under kerosene or parrafin wax? 7. Do all metals react in a similar way with water? Justify your answer with two examples.

Physical properties of Metals and Non metals -4

1. What is sonorosity?Which of the two,metals and non metals are sonorous? Write one use of this property. 2. What are mettaloids? Give three examples of metalloids. 3.Write 5 differences between metals and non metals. 4. Differentiate metals and non metals on the basis of density. 5. Differentiate metals and non metals on the basis of melting point and mention one exception in both of them. 6. Name two metals which can be cut with a knife? 7. Differentiate between metals and non metals on the basis of their physical state.

Properties of Metals and Non metals -3

1. What is the difference between thermal conductors and electrical conductors. 2. Cooking utensils are made of iron and copper.Why? 3. What are insulators? 4. Name one non metal which is good conductor of electricity and write its one use. 5. Name the poorest metal conductor. 6. Name the third best conductor of electricity. 7. Silver being the best conductor of electricity is not used in electrical wires.Why?

Properties of Metals and Non metals -2

1. Why do metals loose their lustre when exposed to air? 2. What do you understand by malleability? 3. Ductility of aluminium is used in several ways.Justify the statement by giving two examples. 4. Name the most ductile metal. 5. Metals have high tensile strength.Why? 6. What is conductivity? 7. Name one non metal which has high tensile strength.

Properties of Metals and Non metals

1. Name a liquid metal and a non metal. 2. Name a metal which has low melting point and a non metal which has high melting point. 3. Write one example each of metal and non metal which are exceptions to their general property of melting and boiling point. 4. Name two metals whose density value is less than that of water 5. Name the hardest substance known.Write its two uses which show this property. 6. When you beat iodine crystals with a duster,they break into pieces.What can you conclude from this simple activity? 7. Name a lustrous non metal.

Minerals and Ores

1. Name one ore each of iron and aluminium. 2. What is metallurgy? 3. Explain the three steps involved in the extraction of metals from its ore. 4. Write one point of difference between minerals and Ores. 5. What do you mean by concentrating the ore? 6. Why is reduction done while extracting metals from its ore? 7. What is the importance of refining in the process of extraction of metals?

Metals and non metals

1.What are pure substances? 2. Why do we classify elements? 3. What is the basis of classifying elements as metals and non metals? 4. Name second most abundant metal found on Earth. 5. Write three metals that exist in their native form. 6. Name the three forms of carbon each in which it exists in its native state and combined state  7. Name four non metals which exists in its free as well as combined state.