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Why do we fall ill?

1.Define health, acute disease, chronic disease, infectious disease, communicable and non communicable disease. 2. Why are different types of medicines used to cure diseases?  3. What happens in the body when someone suffers from a disease?  4. Differentiate between acute and chronic disease.  5. In a village, having poor sanitary conditions, chances of spreading of cholera are more. Justify the statement.  6. Explain by examples that signs and symptoms of a disease depends on the way the microbe infects.  7. In a natural calamity you want to help the needy. Suggest four ways you have thought of for helping them.  8. What are the symptoms shown by a person whose stomach is infected?  9. What are the three limitations for the approach to deal with infectious disease?  10. List six basic conditions for good health. 

Class 10

1.Which of the following events in the mouth cavity will be affected if salivary amylase is lacking in the saliva? (a) Starch breaking down into sugars. (b) Proteins breaking down into amino acids. (c) Absorption of vitamins. (d) Fats breaking down into fatty acids and glycerol. 2.Which among the following is a unicellular organism that reproduces by budding: (a) Hydra (b) Planaria (c) Yeast (d) Spirogyra 3.Which among the following does not reproduce by spore formation: (a) Penicillium fungus (b) Yeast fungus (c) Mucor fungus (d) Rhizopus fungus 4. The rapid spreading of bread mould on slices of bread are due to: (i) Presence of large number of spores in air (ii) Presence of large number of thread-like branched hyphae (iii) Presence of moisture and nutrients (iv) Formation of round shaped sporangia (a) (i) and (iii) (b) (ii) and (iv) (c) (i) and (ii) (d) (iii) and (iv) 5. The asexual reproduction in the Spirogyra involves: (a) Breaking up of filaments into smaller bits (b) Division of

Cells. : Give reasons

1. Plant cells are more rigid than animal cells. 2. Cells are the basic structural unit of living organisms.  3. Tomatoes are red in colour.  4. More mitochondria is present in cells engaged in more physiological activities.  5. Nucleus is control centre of cell.  6. Mitochondria is powerhouse of the cell. 7. Plastids are found only in plant cells. 8. Plant cells have big vacoules. 9. Shape of the cells differ in multicellular organisms. 10. The cells remained undiscovered for a long time. 

Activities for class V

1. To make a colourful collage of forest products. 2.  To plant trees on ocassion of Vanmahotsav.  3. To make a food chain with the help of paper, beads, strings etc.  4. Collect various types of Seeds of plants.  5. Observe seed germination in gram seed.  6. Make a food pyramid.  7. Show bread mould on bread and discuss how it is formed and how can it be prevented.  8. Prepare a chart of vitamins, deficiency diseases and their symptoms.  9. Make a model of respiratory system.  10. Use clay to make a model of eye.  11. Collect pics of different food items and classify them as proteins, carbohydrates and fats and prepare a wall magazine. 

Cells. : Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following is a multicellular organism? a) Euglena           b) amoeba  c) earthworm.    d)  Paramoecium 2. Name the cell organelle that is responsible for forming skeletal framework of animal cell.  a) chromatin network  b) Golgi complex c) Endoplasmic Reticulum  d) Vacuole  3. We use stain to prepare temporary mount of cheek cell and onion peel. Which of the two stains are used to stain them respectively?  a) saffranine and glycerine b) saffranine and iodine c) methylene blue and saffranine  d) saffranine and methylene blue 4. Robert Hooke observed honey comb like structure in a) an onion peel b) a thin slice of potato c) a thin slice of cork d) a leaf 5. The number of chromosomes present in humans is a) 44    b)22     c) 46     d) 23 6. Which of the following organelle helps in protein synthesis?  a) vacoules.         b) ribosome c) chromatin.      d) lysosomes  7. Euglena and Paramecium have special structures for its locomotion and collection of food. Which of the f

Microorganisms : True and False

1. Both humans and cattle can be infected by tuberculosis. 2. Vacuum packing strips bacteria of oxygen. 3. Chorella and Euglena are examples of protozoans.  4. Malaria is spread by female Aedes mosquito.  5. Tetanus can be prevented by vaccination.  6. Salt reduce the amount of water content in food and helps in preservation.  7. Mumps is a bacterial disease. 8. Vaccines produce immunity by producing antigens.  9. Vinegar is commonly known as citric acid.  10. Microorganisms exhibit maximum growth in the temperature range of 20 to 35 degrees. 

Microorganisms :Fill in the blanks

1. ___________ are the oldest forms of life on earth. 2. The scalp contains ____________ bacteria per cm square. 3. ______________ sugar is present in milk. 4. The harmful substances released in our body by microorganisms are called ____________. 5. Canine distemper is a __________ disease which infects dogs. 6. Proper disposal of waste and using disinfected water can prevent us from ____________. 7. Jams and jellies are usually preserved by _________. 8. Fungi _______________ causes food poisoning. 9. _______________ disease caused complete destruction of the potato crop during Irish Famine. 10. Microorganisms produce __________ in bio gas reactors. 

Activities - Force and Pressure

1. Push and pulling sorting activity. Take examples from everyday activities done at home and ask students to sort it out. For example : using a remote control, closing door of a refrigerator, opening a drawer, fixing a nail, tieing shoe lace etc. 2. Make a mini catapult using popsicle sticks and a spoon.  3. Make a movable pulley using things easily available at home. 4. Build different car ramps with different slopes and write your observations.  5. Design an activity to show liquid exerts pressure on the walls of the container. 6. Use clay to make different shapes and then observe effect of your one finger, two fingers, three fingers etc. on the shape and then write your conclusions. 

Microorganisms - The foes

1. What are pathogens? 2. How are cavities formed in teeth? 3. Name two diseases that spread through air. 4. How does disease spread through air? 5. Name two diseases that spread through contaminated food.  6. Some diseases spread which spread when bitten by an animal. Name two such diseases. 7. Name two fungal disease.  8. Name four diseases that can be prevented by vaccination.  9. Using mosquito net is one of the best ways to prevent the diseases that spread through mosquito bite. Name two such diseases and the mosquitoes that act as vectors.  10. Good personal hygiene is a good method to prevent diseases. Name two disease that can be prevented if we follow good hygiene. 

Lockdown.....All is well

On February 12th 2020,I received a WhatsApp message from one of my friends living in Vietnam that all the schools in her country had adopted online teaching as the schools were closed there due to Corona outbreak. One line that took my attention was 'a period of adjustment for students and teachers but they are all handling it pretty well' . The same day I discussed this in my Master Trainers' group and got a very positive response from our mentor, Mrs. Rajinder Narula. This encouraged me further to enquire and learn about the virtual classrooms. I had a talk with the computer teachers of my school and my old students who had done engineering in Computer Applications, my school friends and searched many YouTube videos. After having enough knowledge of it, I started its experimentation on my niece after her annual examinations were over. I was in the initial phases of my experiments when sudden lock down threw every human activity out of gear, be it school, any trade, unorg

Reproduction in Organisms(previous years questions)

1. Name the Vegetative propagules in Agave and Bryophyllum. 2. Write the name of the organism that is referred to as "Terror of Bengal". 3. Give one example each of a fungus which reproduces by budding and conidia. 4. Name an organism, where cell division is itself a mode of reproduction. 5. How does Penicillium reproduce asexually? 6. Name an alga that reproduces asexually through zoo spores. Why are these reproductive units called so? 7. Offsprings produced by asexual reproduction are called clones. Justify giving two reasons. 8.Banana crop is produced by farmers without sowing of seeds. Explain how the plant is propagated. 9. Unicellular organisms are immortal whereas multicellular organisms are not. Justify. 10. Mention one similarity and one difference between conidia and zoospores.


1. Plasma membrane is made up of which two components. 2. Why is endocytosis found in animals only? 3. Why were the scientists not able to observe most of the cell organelles before 1940? 4. Why do animal cells not have cell wall? 5. If you are provided with some vegetable to cook, you generally add salt into the vegetables. After adding salt, vegetables release water. Why? 6. Differentiate between diffusion and osmosis. 7. What will happen if red blood cell is kept in concentrated saline solution? 8. Why does the skin of your finger shrink when you wash clothes for a long time? 9. A solution of 3% glucose and 8% glucose are kept in a trough separated by a semi permeable membrane. What will you observe after one hour? 10. A person takes concentrated solution of salt, after sometimes, he starts vomiting. What is the phenomenon responsible for this situation? Explain. 11. If cells of onion peel and RBC are separately kept in hypotonic solution, what will happen to each of them? 12. Rheo

The fundamental unit of life :IX

1. What will happen if an animal cell is put into a solution of sugar prepared in water? 2. An egg without shell is placed in concentrated salt solution for 5 minutes. What will be the expected observation? 3. Plasma membrane is a selectively permeable membrane. Comment on the statement. 4. Distinguish between plasma membrane and cell wall. 5. How do amoeba get its food?